• Incorrect use of WIRELOCK can result in an unsafe termination which may lead to property damage, serious injury or death.
• Do not use WIRELOCK with stainless steel wire rope in salt water environment applications.
• Use only soft annealed iron wire for seizing.
• Do not use any other wire (copper, brass, stainless, etc) for seizing.
• Never use an assembly until the WIRELOCK has gelled and cured.
• Remove any non-metallic coating from the broomed area.
• Sockets with large grooves need to have those grooves filled before use with WIRELOCK.
• WIRELOCK® resin, in liquid state, is flammable.
• Chemicals used in this product can give off toxic fumes and can burn eyes and skin.
• Never use out-of-date material.
• Use only in well-ventilated work areas.
• Never breathe fumes directly or for extended time.
• Always wear safety glasses to protect eyes.
• Always wear gloves to protect hands and avoid direct contact with skin.
WIRELOCK® is a two pack socket capping compound that has the following advantages:
• No heat
• No acid
• No hazardous molten metal
• No long cooling/curing process
• No annealing of wires at socket neck
• No guessing of temperature
• No loss of lubricant at socket neck
• No special storage conditions
• No expensive equipment
• Provides 100% efficiency
• Improves fatigue life
• Is suitable for operation in extremes of temperature
• Is ideal for on site application
• Is approved by Lloyds Register of Shipping and Det Norske Veritas (D.N.V.
Stok Kodu Paket Ölçüsü (cc)
GOVER0250 250
GOVER0500 500
GOVER1000 1000
Çelik Halat Ölçülerine göre önerilen Soket Yapıştırıcı oranları
Çelik Halat Ölçüsü (mm) Hacim ( cc)
14-16 52
18-20 86
22 125
24-26 160
28 210
32-36 350
38 420
40 495
44-48 700
52 1265
64 1830
70 2250
76 3160
83 3795
89-92 4920
96 5980
100-104 7730
Why choose WIRELOCK®?
Because -
WIRELOCK is a convenient and very simple system to use. There are no
special preparations, no external heat is required and the system can
even be used on site, at temperatures down to and slightly below 0°C.
2. Sockets, poured with WIRELOCK, can be put into service within 50 minutes, in a temperature range of 18°C to 24°C.
The use of WIRELOCK eliminates the need for heating socket assemblies,
melting metal and handling the molten metal. It also has the advantage
of being considerably lighter than white metal, making the subsequent
handling of the socket easier.
4. WIRELOCK is currently used in
conjunction with virtually all the commercially available sockets and
ropes. Other nonstandard uses include short basket sockets, armoured
cables and umbilical cables incorporating a strain member.
5. In
common with most other resin systems WIRELOCK has no problem in coping
with cold or extremely cold operating conditions, but does have a
recommended upper operating limit of 115°C (a series of creep tests
confirm, however, that WIRELOCK is much more efficient than zinc at
6. WIRELOCK performs very well under the most hostile
environments. The only exceptions being immersion in strong alkaline
solutions, such as caustic soda, or strong acids.
7. The lack of
heat, during the pouring process, means that there is no annealing of
the wires and the grease within the rope at the neck of the socket
remains intact. This decreases the chance of local, severe or internal
corrosion in service.
8. WIRELOCK has the approval of Lloyds Register of Shipping as a socketing system.